Promaxo MRI Prostate Biopsy: How it Improves Patient Care

Quick Facts

  • Minimally invasive
  • Quiet, open design

  • Precise prostate cancer detection

Promaxo MRI Doctors

**Now Available at Comprehensive Urologic Care – Contact Us to Schedule Your Appointment**

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer found in American men. It’s essential to accurately tell apart non-aggressive from aggressive prostate cancer and provide timely, appropriate treatment. Using the Promaxo MRI for prostate biopsies can help improve patient care.

What’s the Promaxo MRI System?

  • Promaxo is a portable MRI system focused on precise prostate cancer detection.
  • This MRI platform uses artificial intelligence and MRI technology that leads to:
    • Shorter scan times.
    • Sharper images.
    • Improved patient outcomes.

Comprehensive Urologic Care will be the first in the region to bring this powerful tool to our patients.

Why Choose the Promaxo MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy?

  • Comfort: The procedure is minimally invasive. No need for uncomfortable probes or coils.
  • Quietness: The machine operates at a whisper, reducing any anxiety.
  • Open Design: Unlike traditional MRIs, with Promaxo, you won’t feel enclosed or claustrophobic.

Understanding the Process

  • Step 1:Promaxo MRI Before the biopsy, patients undergo a pelvic MRI.
  • Step 2: A skilled physician reviews the MRI results, identifying any areas in the prostate that look suspicious.
  • Step 3: This data syncs up with the Promaxo MRI at our facility.
  • Biopsy Day: We’ll compare the initial MRI with the Promaxo MRI, planning in real-time to precisely target any areas of concern, accessed in a non-invasive manner.

Have you been told you need a prostate biopsy?

If you’ve been told that a prostate biopsy is in your future, you deserve the best care available. Choosing where and how you have it can make all the difference.

  • Precision: Why go for ordinary when you can opt for a system that zeroes in on areas of concern with unmatched accuracy?
  • Comfort: Experience a procedure that’s minimally invasive, ensuring your utmost comfort and well-being.
  • Innovation: Step into the future with cutting-edge technology that delivers faster and clearer results.

Contact us today to discuss why the Promaxo MRI-guided prostate biopsy could be the best choice for your health and comfort.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Prostate Biopsy

What is a prostate biopsy?

A prostate biopsy is a medical procedure where small samples of tissue are taken from the prostate gland to be examined under a microscope for signs of cancer.

How is a prostate biopsy done?

A prostate biopsy is typically performed using a thin needle that’s inserted into the prostate gland. The needle collects small samples of prostate tissue. The procedure can be done through the rectum (transrectal), through the urethra (transurethral), or through the skin between the anus and scrotum (transperineal). The Promaxo MRI prostate biopsy uses the transperineal method, which reduces the risk of post-procedure infections.

What percentage of prostate biopsies are cancer?

Not all prostate biopsies reveal cancer. The percentage that comes back positive for cancer can vary, but it’s essential to note that many factors play a role, including age, PSA levels, and family history.

Does a prostate biopsy damage the prostate?

While a prostate biopsy is generally safe, there can be risks as with any medical procedure. Most men tolerate the biopsy well, but there can be side effects such as bleeding or infection. Prolonged or significant damage to the prostate is rare.

“Don’t get a prostate biopsy” – why do some say this?

Some people might caution against a prostate biopsy due to concerns about potential complications, the invasiveness of the procedure, or over-diagnosis. However, it’s crucial to speak with a medical professional to weigh the risks and benefits tailored to individual circumstances.

Are you sedated for a prostate biopsy?

Sedation is not always necessary for a prostate biopsy. However, men receive local anesthesia to numb the area and my possibly receive light sedation to help with relaxation and comfort during the procedure.

What if a prostate biopsy is positive?

If a prostate biopsy comes back positive, it means that cancer cells have been found in the prostate tissue samples. A positive result will lead to further discussions with a doctor about the stage, grade, and potential treatment options tailored to the patient’s specific condition.

What is a Quick Overview of Stage, Grade, and Potential Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer?

Stage: Refers to the extent or spread of cancer. Staging is used to describe the size of the tumor and if (and where) it has spread beyond the prostate.

  • Localized: Cancer is confined to the prostate.
  • Regional: Cancer has spread to adjacent tissues or lymph nodes.
  • Distant: Cancer has spread to distant parts of the body, like bones or other organs.

Grade: Reflects how abnormal the cancer cells look compared to regular cells. A commonly used system for grading prostate cancer is the Gleason Score.

  • Low Grade: Cells look more like normal cells. Typically indicates slower-growing cancer.
  • High Grade: Cells look more abnormal. Often indicates faster-growing, more aggressive cancer.

Potential Treatment Options:

  • Watchful Waiting or Active Surveillance: Monitoring the cancer without active treatment. Suitable for low-risk, slow-growing cancers.
  • Surgery (Prostatectomy): Removing the entire prostate gland.
  • Radiation Therapy: Using high-energy rays (similar to X-rays) to kill cancer cells.
  • Hormone Therapy: Aims to reduce levels of male hormones, which can help to shrink the tumor or slow its growth.
  • Chemotherapy: Using drugs to kill or stop the growth of cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy: Boosting the body’s immune system to fight cancer.
  • Targeted Therapy: Drugs that specifically target cancer cells.

The most suitable treatment depends on the stage, grade, age, health status of the patient, and other factors.