Not sure if you should see a urologist? Or what types of problems a urologist treats? You’re not alone.

Urologists treat conditions in the urinary system. This ranges from bladder and kidney issues to sexual dysfunction and urinary cancers. Some urinary conditions cause great discomfort. Others are bothersome and can affect your quality of life. Knowing when to schedule an appointment can help you feel better faster and improve your quality of life.

Should you see your urologist? Here are six signs that it’s time.

1. Your UTI won’t go away.

Common urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms include burning or pain during urination and frequent urination. If you’re experiencing UTI symptoms that don’t improve with antibiotics, you may have interstitial cystitis (IC). IC is also known as painful bladder. A urologist can diagnose IC by testing your urine and examining your bladder with a cystoscope. IC can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications and lifestyle changes. Avoiding triggers like alcohol, spicy food, caffeine, and chocolate can reduce IC symptoms.

2. You’re leaking urine or using the bathroom frequently.

Leaking urine or frequent urination can be symptoms of urinary incontinence or overactive bladder (OAB). Your urologist can evaluate you to see if you’re experiencing the symptoms of either condition. If you do have OAB, your urologist can recommend lifestyle changes, medications, or surgical treatments to help you manage your symptoms.

3. You’re experiencing kidney stone symptoms.

Pain on one side of the lower back, stomach pain, blood in the urine, and smelly or cloudy urine are all symptoms of a kidney stone. A urologist will be able to diagnose a kidney stone and provide treatment.

4. You’re experiencing ED.

If you’re a man who’s having trouble getting or maintaining an erection, you should see your urologist. This condition is called erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is usually caused by a cardiovascular problem and has many different treatment options. While ED is common among older men, it’s not a normal part of aging.

5. You have pelvic pain.

Pelvic pain is a symptom of many different conditions, including IC, prostate inflammation or infection, bladder cancer, and kidney cancer. During a visit to your urologist’s office, they can diagnose the cause of the pain and create a treatment plan.

6. You’re concerned about your fertility.

Are you a man and you and your partner are having trouble conceiving? If you’ve been trying for six months to a year, you may want to visit your urologist for a fertility check-up. Your urologist can evaluate your fertility through semen tests, blood work, and ultrasounds.

Do you suspect you’re experiencing one of these conditions? Have another urological concern you want to see a doctor to discuss? Make an appointment today.